361.883.6553 | 4421 Agnes St. Corpus Christi, TX 78405 info@stlb.net

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Employment Application

This application will be actively considered for the position(s) indicated by the applicant for 90 days after submission to stlb™/PBI. Applications that list “open “or “anything” will NOT be considered. Applicants to be interviewed will be contacted by stlb™ HR Department

Personal Information

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If you were referred by someone for the position you are applying for please provide the following information on the person that referred you:

Position Details

General Information

Background Information

All applicants MUST complete this portion. California and Hawaii applicants: See Below

California Applicants Only*

When responding to background information section, California applicants should not disclose information concerning an arrest or detention that did not result in conviction, or information concerning a referral to, and participation in, any pretrial or post trial diversion program or any conviction for violation of subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11357 of the Health and Safety Code or a statutory predecessor thereof (unauthorized possession of marijuana), or subdivision (b) of Section 11360 of the Health and Safety Code (formerly subdivision (c) of Section 11360 of the Health and Safety Code), or Section 11364, 11354, or 11550 of the Health and Safety Code as they relate to marijuana prior to January 1, 1976, or statutory predecessor thereof, two years from the date of such a conviction. As used herein, a “conviction” shall include a plea, verdict, or finding of guilty regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court. As used herein, “pretrial or post trial diversion program” mean any program under Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1000) or Chapter 2.7 (commencing with Section 1001) of Title 6 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, Section 13201 or 13352.5 of the Vehicle Code, or any other program expressly authorized and described by statute as a diversion program. (See California Labor Code section 432.7 subd. (a) and (j)).
Clear Signature

Hawaii Applicants Only*

Do not respond to background information section until you have been given a conditional offer of employment.
Clear Signature

Corpus Christi

4421 Agnes St.
Corpus Christi, TX  78405
Phone: 361.883.6553
Toll free: 888.255.8011
Fax: 361.883.1041

Victoria, TX

5602 John Stockbauer Dr,
Victoria, TX 77904

Phone: 361.570.8088

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